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I’m Saved, What Now?After Salvation (faith in Christ), God does not leave us alone to figure it out for ourselves. He has a plan for us and He gives us the power to fulfill that plan. Growing in Grace
You made the most important decision of your life the moment you believed in Jesus Christ as your Savior. The instant of faith alone in Christ alone for salvation, you received eternal life and you began to share in the destiny of Christ. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten [uniquely born] Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. (JOH 3:16) Heaven is guaranteed to every believer, (JOH 10:27-28, 1PE 1:4-5, 1JO 5:11-12) but the quality and impact of the believer’s life on earth depends on his carrying out God’s plan after salvation. It is so important for believers to find out God’s plan for their lives after salvation. God’s plan for us following our personal faith in Christ is that we learn, think, and apply the principles found in the Bible to our lives. Through application of the Word of God we grow to spiritual maturity. The Bible reveals who God is and explains His plan for our lives. The Bible is called the “mind of Christ” (1CO 2:16). The Bible gives us the Truth we are to use in forming our outlook on life and in making decisions. It should be the standard of our thinking and actions as we are here in the devils world. When we learn who and what Christ is, we can begin to apply His thinking in our lives. God commands believers to think like He thinks, to think divine viewpoint, so His gracious purpose can be fulfilled in our lives (ROM 12:2). God’s plan for us after salvation calls for spiritual growth. Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation. (1PE 2:2) But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen (2PE 3:18) Spiritual growth is becoming more like Christ in our character. We are kept alive on earth to fulfill our personal destiny in the plan of God. Knowledge of God’s plan and direction for our lives comes through daily studying the word of God. It is through the word learned and applied that we grow. Only as we grow to maturity can we consistently glorify God and receive fantastic blessing in time and eternity. After salvation, believers are to find a local church where the pastor teaches the word of God accurately from the original languages of scripture. The pastor’s job is to give instructions, principles, and procedures from the Word of God for spiritual growth. We advance spiritually by consistently learning, thinking, and applying the Word of God to every area of our lives. Persistent learning and application of Bible Truth increases our capacity for life, love, Christian service, blessing, and happiness. Power from the Holy Spirit In order to learn and apply the Word of God you must maintain the filling of the Holy Spirit. The moment we put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit came to indwell us and brought about a new creation in us (2CO 5:17). The Holy Spirit is the teacher of Truth; He also gives us the power to live the Christian life. But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. (JOH 14:26). The Holy Spirit will always indwell us, but He will not always fill or control our lives. When we sin, He is no longer in control and we lose His power in our lives. God made a perfect grace provision for this. He gave us a simple, grace way to get back in fellowship with Him. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins [known sins] and cleanse us from all unrighteousness [unknown sins] (1JO 1:9). The Bible tells us we grieve the Holy Spirit (EPH 4:30) through sin and quench the Spirit (1TH 5:19) by failing to confess our sins. That is why it is so important to immediately reestablish fellowship with God by confessing our sins. If we fail to do so, God in His love, will discipline us (HEB 12:5-11) so we will return to Him. God wants to bless you in time and reward you in eternity for faithfulness to His plan. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption (EPH 4:30). Understanding the Old Sin Nature Every person is born with an old sin nature (OSN), inherited from Adam. This sin nature tempts us to sin. After salvation the believer still has the sin nature indwelling his body. It still tempts him to commit personal sins. We are living with the enemy. But now the believer has the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome the OSN and resist temptation. However when we yield to the temptation to sin, we lose the power of the Holy Spirit and are under the control of the sin-nature. We are said to be carnal. (1CO 3:1-3) The Body of the Believer
![]() When we are under the control of the sin-nature, we manifest the works of the flesh (GAL 5:19-21), which do not glorify God. It is God’s plan that we are controlled by the Holy Spirit at all times and grow in grace. We must consistently resist sin, confess known sins (1JO 1:9; 1JO 2:1-2), and learn, think and apply the Word of God daily. If we are faithful to do these things, step by step, we will grow to maturity and glorify God, and enjoy the blessing, joy and peace of a God directed life. May God keep you from stumbling, protect you from the enemy, and give you the strength to accomplish His plan for your life. May you have the peace that passes all understanding that comes from keeping your mind on Him. Amen |